Zzzeus's avatar


Azusa Ogawa
120 Watchers104 Deviations
Collection Coming Soon!
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  • Oct 28
  • Japan
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (25)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
So Fanime starts from tomorrow. Excited!!!!! I hope to see my usual customers at artist alley, also meet new people as well.Just wanted to post this since my dear friend started her online shop, it's called the Big Bark Theory....it's shirts for nerdy dogs, do check them out! https://www.etsy.com/shop/BigBarkTheory?ref=l2-shopheader-nameI love the Kodama ones personally....  :D
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Z-Files online

0 min read
So some of you might be already familiar with my comics, the Z-Files. Basically it's a comic based on what happens in real life at my work as an English conversation teacher working in Japan.Boy, every work place has a drama.For the past several years, I usually created a new volume once a year and then sold them at conventions, but as the number of volumes increased it started to get difficult to carry all of those books around, so I finally decided to post them online:http://tapastic.com/series/The-Z-Files---The-Crazy-Life-of-an-English-teacher-If you scroll down, you'll see more of the newer episodes. They are more like comic strips now...
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Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted something here  :pAnyway, I did get accepted to Fanime which is great, but things are pretty darn slow this year. I just hope we all get enough time to set the table, last year was a disaster.So, some of you guys already know that I create this comic called the Z-Files and I sell them at conventions. Since I had the 7th volume out last year, bringing all of those books is starting to get difficult, so I thought hey, I can just start posting new episodes online. Once I have enough episodes I might make them into a new volume.I tried going online to look for a good way to post comics online and ...
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Profile Comments 71

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I really enjoyed the Z-Files. I bought volumes 1-7 at Fanime. I'm really looking forward to volume 8.

I'm glad you liked them!!
The bad news is I am SO busy with work, I might not be able to have a new volume for this year's Fanime, but I am hoping to get something related to the Z-FIles done, maybe a poster or a comic strip with stories on them. :)
Wow, pretty!
.....and pricy too, I must say!!

Looks great though, all of those pearls and chains and the good stuff!!  XD
It reminded me of the necklace you made. 
maybe you can make something like that. :XD:
Are you going to be at AX this year?
Yes, I will be there!!!  :D