KabaretZzanthia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zzanthia/art/Kabaret-159605901Zzanthia

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© 2010 - 2025 Zzanthia
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emcorpus's avatar
Good morning, Katia. Probably a day late, since I'm eight hours behind you here in California, but here's a happy birthday shout to you. I'm wishing for you a year ahead of continued inspiration, creative production and whatever opportunities that you need and want to do whatever you need and want. There are too many of your works here to pick a "favorite". I sort of just threw a dart to begin with this one. Why? Well, I can't do something like this. I wish I could, but I can't. Someday, maybe I will. But in the meantime, I can be inspired by you. Your technical proficiency in vector work is unquestionable. But that would not be enough. You have a combined mastery of light and dark, of color and most of all -- You're a visual story-teller. I could say pretty much the same thing for any other of your compositions that I could pick. Thank you so much for sharing your art for our enjoyment -- and inspiration.