Zylo-the-Wolfbane on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zylo-the-wolfbane/art/Sith-Lightsaber-and-Shoto-153017504Zylo-the-Wolfbane

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Sith Lightsaber and Shoto



A Sith lightsaber and Shoto. A shoto is basically a lightsaber dagger, or short sword. A smaller lightsaber used as a secondary weapon for people who wield Lightsabers. Used by both Jedi and Sith.

As always blades by :iconturin-the-forsaken: and hilts found on eBay, by a guy who custom makes these hilts. [link]

signed I'm very bored lately >.>
Zylo the Wolfbane
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LuminaBalderson's avatar
Very nice!

I just have aquestion.
Would you ever do a Lightsaber Katana, or a Lightsaber Katar?