Current Residence: Germany Favourite genre of music: electronic Favourite photographer: too many Favourite style of art: no Operating System: Uhm favorite? Amiga OS! MP3 player of choice: winamp Shell of choice: paua Skin of choice: the part on the neck between chin and throat Favourite cartoon character: Wile E. Coyote Personal Quote: Killing is badong!
Favourite Visual Artist
Frazetta, Gimenez, Chichoni, Sorayama, Bilal, Frezzato, Franquin , Rembrandt, Menzel, and many more
Here's some great stuff I stumbled upon, lately:
Make shure you check out their galleries, there's a lot more to see!
Friends, watchers, whoever cares.
I will not be around for a while. Life has turned upside down and I'll have to sort it out. Since I haven't been around regularly lately anyways and interes in my stuff has diminished I'm thinking about quitting dA, but I will see about that. What I will do for certain it to go through my previous posts and remove what I feel doesn't fit or didn't get attention. I you faved one of the pieces I'm going to take out, I'm sorry.
If you read this thanks for your support over the past times.