Night Town Psd-Tutorialzummerfish on DeviantArt

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zummerfish's avatar

Night Town Psd-Tutorial



Since Halloween is coming I thought I'd put up something that shows how to create a mystical night scene :D

How to use:

This is basically a .psd file with all the adjustment layers and stuff, and it also includes my commentary on the step layers. To view them just click on the according layer and make it visible (eye icon). Be attentive with the opacity and blending modes.

Many thanks to awesome :iconhermitcrabstock: :hug:…

:bulletred: This is not for Photoshop Elements
:bulletorange: Your Photoshop version should support adjustment and fill layers in order to be able to follow through this tutorial. To my knowledge it should be working as early as CS2, but you should check just to be safe.
:bulletred: You are not permitted to sell, claim as your own, re-upload and redistribute this file pack as whole or individually.
:bulletgreen: You are free to use this tutorial to create and adapt your own works.
:bulletblue: If you have created something using this technique credit via link is appreciated.

Cheers :heart:

 :thumb400199089: Zummerfish's Scales Brushes for Photoshop by zummerfish Artistic Textures for Paint Tool Sai 2 by zummerfish

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kwhammes's avatar
I used the guidance from your tutorial here: Moonlit Castle.

Thanks for the great tutorial!