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is thinking...
345 Deviations

It seems that my Fractal Assembler project is kind of a fail :(

I always knew there is a lot to do, and I thought I have time... but my motivation ran out first. Now, especially with all these AI image generation tools, there does not seem to be much interest in fractals, and even I find myself barely interested in the subject :noes:

Someone said that artists make art because they cannot not-make it... And these days I find myself being perfectly fine with not making any fractal art, or writing programs for making it. :saddummy:

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I'd like to officially declare that I am not against the so called "AI art". It is indeed a very interesting and promising technology... I wouldn't use the term "artificial intelligence" with it though, since there does not seem to be any intelligence there (yet?). The best I can do is to call it "artificial imagination".

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I do not sell my art as "NFT".

If someone or something tries to sell any of my works as "NFT", it's a scam.

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...I wonder how quickly one could train a neural network to filter out all these crappy anime drawings from the fractal gallery Grump 
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Long time ago (during the 2011 new year holidays, to be precise), while thinking about how would I want a new/better fractal editor to look like, I got this idea.
I wanted to be able to combine different transformations in different ways, but I didn't want to get lost while tracing lines (like here, for example) - the usual way of putting nodes everywhere and linking them together did not sound good for me.

Instead, I decided to place things on screen in the order of computation:
- transformations are applied from top to bottom
- transformations on the same level are either all applied at the same time - like with Sum here, or only one of them is applied - like in Choice back there (that's how it looked like 3 years ago :))

editor-UI-2016 by Zueuk

What you see above is a slightly non-trivial "final transformation" for a hyperbolic tiling I made a few months ago.
I certainly find it much easier to work with this, than to manage "xaos links" in Apophysis.

Besides, as I have already said some time before - everything is a transformation. Including the "Sum" - which is a transformation that contains other transformations. This means that it is possible to put anything - not only a simple transformation, but a random choice (also contains other transformations), or another sum inside it.

And finally, here's a low-ish quality render, just to demonstrate the result:
example-FX by Zueuk

Just in case somebody tries to reproduce this in Apo :slow: "Murl" here is the Apo plugin murl2, and the "Sum" part should actually be a "disassembled" version of my old plugin named polypolar. The tiling itself is obviously a 7x3 hypertile.
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The new editor UI by Zueuk, journal

Fractal Assembler by Zueuk, journal

Not Apophysis by Zueuk, journal

Happy End of The World! by Zueuk, journal

Sporogenesis DD! - now in HD :) by Zueuk, journal