Starry MoonZueuk on DeviantArt

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Starry Moon


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Location  Hyperbolic Space


Kleinian group limit set

Somehow these spirals reminded me of a certain well-known painting :) so I just had to spend way too much time trying to even out the pattern and fix some minor details... and then scrap it because my smoothed out version turned out too... smooth Roll Eyes Well, maybe I'll come back to it some other time... when the stars are right ;)

-F 2 U- Starry Moon

math stuff: Unlike the usual "stripe-based" Kleinian patterns, this one is based on proper hyperbolic tilings, so the group does not have parabolic elements - something I wanted to figure out for a long time, and finally did - a few weeks agogood at maths 
Image size
1920x1080px 919.07 KB
© 2021 - 2025 Zueuk
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Mandelscape's avatar

I have some questions about animating in Apo 7x.