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TCTC: My Sweet



Gaaah it's so sugary people'll get monster cavities and lose all their teeth. :noes:

The First and her crippled hunchback mate Pitchwife from the Thomas Covenant books. Yesyes, still fangirling this series. :noes:
The background was suggested by someone else, and it contributes oodles of more schmaltz into the general soppy atmosphere. And he's looking into her eyes, not the...other stuff; the angle's somewhat awkward in that sense. =P Might contain some other mistakes but I have no more energy to put into this.

Remember proportion. Even she's about 10,5ft tall. =P Strong Norse mythology/jötunn influences/connections.

(c) Stephen R Donaldson
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980x1581px 543.75 KB
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comixjammer's avatar
Just loving this so much :-)