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TCOTC: Translating ur-viles WIP2



A scene from Against All Things Ending. Looks like I'll be working on this for a while yet. Bleh.

(Grueburn's translating the speech of the ur-viles to Linden & co, and finds that she, uncharacteristically, lacks sufficient expressions for their alien concepts. Note the scale: she's around 3,5 meters tall and the ur-viles stand much shorter than regular humans, and don't possess similar proportions either. The Swordmainnir more in the style of Malazan/ASOIAF than DDD-cup smexbabes in two bottlecaps and a chain mail thong.)

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (c) Stephen R. Donaldson

SRD has based the series heavily on Norse mythology and Wagner's operas. The 3rd chronicles deal with the Land's equivalent of Ragnarökkr, with the allegiance of the Giants turned upside down, like in the Estonian folktales, where they always are depicted as heroes.
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ogrebear's avatar
Another very detailed, rich story piece from you!