zorm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zorm/art/Stupid-TLD-cartoon-WIP-shots-333527687zorm

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Stupid TLD cartoon WIP shots



Some progress shots of yet another TCTC (The Last Dark) crackart, albeit that regarding the amount of characters present, this is turning into some time-consuming work.

You know there's something horribly wrong with fans when gritty, grimdark fantasy books get twisted into happy Saturday morning cartoon format, complete with RainbowArch WildMagic, the time-traveling magical ranyhyn.

Sorry it's large, I need new glasses.

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant belong to Stephen R Donaldson.
Image size
1800x2203px 1.58 MB
© 2012 - 2024 zorm
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NikkiFlinn's avatar
Okay, I love their facial expressions. And I can't wait to read Thomas the Covenant books. I've read a bunch of Donaldson but haven't made it to those ones yet.