zorm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zorm/art/Skurj-BW-274099857zorm

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Skurj BW



Not entirely happy with the result, but got fed up with editing this after spending tens of hours with the mere lineart. :roll: Maybe I'll color it sometime within the next hundred years, maybe not.

(Don't know if this'd need a mature content warning or not. Basically, the skurj's composed of living stone and magma, but takes on a worm-ish physical shape and munches everything that contains atoms for lunch. Flying lava's probably not the same as actual gore.)

Gender confusion arose elsewhere, yet they're all female. On the other hand, I couldn't imagine someone like Frostheart Grueburn appearing all twee and dainty: it's more like starting off with Brienne of Tarth and then adding a couple of centuries, 1,8 meters of more height, a completely opposite personality, and perchance a marginally prettier face. According to the unwritten law of fantasy, warrior women of course ought to be clad in a chain mail G-string and two stamps instead of hefty granite cataphracts. However, considering the eye level of Linden & co, it might get raaaather awkward, if they'd constantly have to stare up at...well.

Yup, and they can stand the heat of magma sans blistering. A lot of Swedish rune stone motives used as armor decoration. :lol: SRD has based his Giant(esses) on Norse mythology.

So these are from Fatal Revenant. (c) Stephen R. Donaldson

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NikkiFlinn's avatar
I love the level of detail on your stuff. Great job.