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Saltheart and TC



The jötunn-ish Saltheart Foamfollower and the title character Thomas Covenant from Lord Foul's Bane.

Saltheart's looks are strongly inspired by Oskar Kallis's Kalevipoeg paintings. When I opened LFB for the first time, mere months had passed since I had read the epic (which tells about a tragic Estonian hero-giant). So no wonder I drew such strong parallels between these two figures. Nope, he doesn't possess the IQ of a centipede's shoe, no matter what the stereotype. :roll:

TC's being his usual bloody jerk, but you need to wait for 2,5 books for him to start redeeming himself.

(c) Stephen R. Donaldson

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1250x1111px 613.3 KB
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Kharmald27's avatar

I like your style 🙂