By the Firezorm on DeviantArt

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zorm's avatar

By the Fire



Meh, I actually painted something. Probably has errorcrapwonkiness. Pretty tired right now.

Fictitious view on what the Piikkiö-Paimio area of Finland might have looked like in the Bronze Age. Great chunks of the present-day dry land in the south were underwater, and the noblemen of elderdays were laid to rest on islets which now stand out as cliffs in the forests. Even today almost every higher spot in Piikkiö and Paimio has a barrow or some other prehistoric monument on top of it. Some have been plundered and destroyed during the millennia (for instance peasants have been know to use the stones as bases for cowsheds and bordermarks), but some still stand large and intact, like the 15-meter-long tumulus on top of Pohtionvuori hill.

The dawn rises around 1000 B.C. Sacrificial fires are burnt to hail the forefathers. Some lone hunter sits by his ersatz camp.
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JordanGreywolf's avatar
Wow! All those details had to take forever. I love all that rich color and shadow.