zomgmad on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zomgmad/art/Camel-Adopt-4-CLOSED-337297617zomgmad

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Camel Adopt 4 - CLOSED



Vampire camel. :D

Sold to ~Jakeukalane

Original line art, made using [link] by ~LRG-Photography as a reference.

:bulletgreen: You can change anything you want after you purchase it.
:bulletgreen: If you buy this design, please actually use it. I can't make you, but it would be nice.

:bulletred: You cannot steal this design or overinspire from it.
:bulletred: I would prefer you not to resell if you buy this design but I can't stop you once it's yours.

35 :points: for this one.

Other camel adopts in my gallery. All my non-camel adopts are half off!
Image size
861x678px 144.18 KB
© 2012 - 2024 zomgmad
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Jakeukalane's avatar
btw, I don't know if I ever sent you a link. So, here they are:
The Vampire-Camels/Los Camellos-Vampiro
In my blog: Los Camellos Vampiro
And this great artist, Ashdei-san did a version of them: El Camello Vampiro

:D have a nice day! :wave: