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Once upon a time, there lived a young and beautiful princess.
Rich as she was she lived in a wonderful castle, where she had all kinds of treasures to call her own. Sadly she did not understand that the human heart cannot be bought with jewelry, so she caught a mermaid and told her to turn her tears into magic stones if she ever wanted to be free again. With those she would lure young men into the mountains which center was her castle. But since none of them truly loved her, they all turned into stone themselves, and so the mountains grew bigger and bigger so that one day she would never see the sun again. In this rich but sad world of loneliness and the desire of death her only friend would be her toad.

Okay so much about my try to write a kitsch story. XD

The title comes not just from the poverty of loneliness but also because I thought I had screwed the whole painting as I was half through. But then I luckily got it on again and here it is finally finished after three months of work.

The original idea came from my art direction class which held the following subject to deal with in photography: Full body subject with chair shown during every day work. It can be documentary or fictional. When you plan to use this as inspirational topic, show me your results!
Remember since this is art direction the character surroundings like wallpaper and furniture are very important so don't leave them aside.

Working on this painting was such enormous work that I shot some reference photos, but this wasn't enough, so speaking of art direction, I have to do it like the Oscar's now, because there are many amazing people around here who make it possible to give inspiration for such an enormous piece of art.

I wanna thank adiastock, objekt_stock, shnarfle_stock, crumpstock, Iardacil_stock, Companda_Stock, LunaNYXstock, taho_stock, angelcurioso, FantasyStock, midnightstouchSTOCK for being such a great inspiration for all of us. For sharing their work, and for doing wonderful art direction on their figure shots aswell. Without your inspirations and references I would have never been able to finish this piece of art direction, so I have added you all to the keywords, too.
Please recognize that not everyone I mentioned here was used for reference. A lot of them are inspirations, but an inspiration is as important as everything else for the creation process of a painting, and many people forget to mention that!

Other than that, thanks go to HuiLin85 who waited so patently for this painting. I neglected to paint her for money because of her back story. So instead she became my inspiration for this character.
Girl, I hope you will love it!

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© 2009 - 2025 ZombieSandwich
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