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Cassilda and the King in Yellow
Photographs found in an old photo album purchased in a box lot at a local auction. The reverse of each says ‘Cassilda and the King in Yellow’.
In Robert W. Chambers’ book “The King in Yellow”, three characters are mentioned in the play in book form entitled “The King in Yellow”; they are Cassilda, Camilla, and the Stranger (who may be the King in Yellow). While the relationship of the characters is never described, I have described with my sculpture “Cassilda and the King in Yellow”. Cassilda has a carnival stick mask and looks fondly up at the King, who meets her gaze and embraces her protectively. This piece was completed and the first copy painted in full colors to serve as a decoration for a wedding cake of a special couple. I was pleased with the result and decided to make copies with a silver/gold finish (a tremendous savings in painting time) with a good result (I think). The sculpture is about five and a half inches tall. Original made of Sculpey, copies in resin.
Copies of this sculpture are available for $35 plus shipping. Contact me at for details.