Znakeman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/znakeman/art/Grizzly-Alkasxosh-1036310943Znakeman

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Grizzly Alkasxosh



The Grizzly Alkasxosh is a variant of Alxasxosh that has traveled farther into warmer climates. Due to this, the alkasxosh’s temperature spikes and is now slowly burning him alive. With no self-control over himself now, its fire powers are  much more intense, it’s talons are much longer, and in the event of it is killed, the alkasxosh can essentially “self-destruct“ engulfing everything and everyone in a giant fire ball.

Classification: Fanged Beast

Threat Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Elements/Ailments: Fire blight, Blast Blight

Locales: The Jungle, The Guidance Land, the Ancient Forest, the Flooded Forest, The Citadel.

Image size
2048x2048px 533.08 KB
© 2024 Znakeman
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I bet this big ferocious bear is essentially the complete opposite of the beloved Winnie the Pooh. 😉