Eagleszironjones on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zironjones/art/Eagles-37744547zironjones

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'The Stone of the Empress' is the oldest public memorial in Helsinki. It was erected in the Market Square to commemorate the Empress Alexandra's (the German-born wife of Nicholas I), first visit to Helsinki. She visited the City in 1833 with her husband, who came to inspect the construction of Helsinki's new centre. The memorial is an obelisk cut in red granite. A bronze globe is set on top of the obelisk. The two-headed eagle is the symbol of Russia, and on its' chest there's the lion crest of Finland.

As a comedic twist, the two-headed eagle (or atleast one of the heads) seems to be quite surprised/annoyed at the stowaway on its' left wing =P
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