Hellstrom's Hive CoverZirngibl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zirngibl/art/Hellstrom-s-Hive-Cover-139764432Zirngibl

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Hellstrom's Hive Cover



Here is something I did for a book cover project in my styles and concepts class.

The book is called "Hellstrom's Hive" by Frank Herbert. It was written in 1973. It's about a "hive" of technologically advanced humans living as social insects in immense chambers deep underground.

Luckily, Herbert wasn't very descriptive of the architecture so I've got some freedom in that department. I wanted to use lots of 60 degree angles that will have the whole "hexagonal shape" look. I think it's convenient that that's the shape in common with bee colonies and 70's futuristic architecture.

I also wanted it to look a little sinister.

It's too bad I rushed it in the end. I should probably go in and rework that figure in the left. He's way too rough and has no reference to back him up.
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900x1200px 774.91 KB
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The guy on the left is the male agent trying to escape from the Hive towards the end of the book. The story is partially told from the Hive's perspective, so his odd shape is a way of saying that he doesn't fit in.