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  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)

zim plz

0 min read
:iconthinksexplz: :iconzimplz:AND NOW WE HAVE A ZIM PLZ ACCONT MWAHHAAA:devprepare-your-bladder:
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Profile Comments 995

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:iconrainbowdashplz::iconsaysplz: prepare :iconuranusplz:.
:iconapplejackplz::iconsaysplz: :iconwhomeplz:
:iconrainbowdashplz: :iconsaysplz: :iconnoblooplz:
:iconblooplz::iconsaysplz: :iconwhomeplz:
:iconrainbowdashplz::iconsaysplz: :iconnoyouplz:
:iconrainbowdashplz::iconsaysplz: prepare:iconuranusplz:
:iconzimplz::iconsaysplz::iconokplz: :iconzimsbuttplz:
:icongazplz::iconsaysplz: IM MAD NOW! :iconrageplz:
:iconrainbowdashplz: died the next day.....
Copy and paste this to 5 accounts or you will meet the same fate as :iconrainbowdashplz:
1 account: u ded
2 accounts: u get tackled by :icongazplz:
3 accounts: you get tackled by :icongirplz:
4 accounts: you get to yell at :iconblooplz: ":iconnopikachuplz:"
5 accounts: you get to choose, :iconzimsbuttplz: or :icondibsbuttplz:
6 or more accounts: you get to kill :icongazplz: for killing :iconrainbowdashplz:
One day little bitch-ass lookis from Mother 3 went on the internet.
He saw a picture of his daddy, Sal and this chain letter.
Suddenly Sal came up behind lookis to tell him he's not giving him cummies anymore.
Lookis never got cummies again.
Do you want to end up like Lookis?
Send this to 420 daddies in 69,000 seconds or you'll never get cummies again!

Case 1
Lookis ^

Case 2
The Yee dinosaur sent this to 666 people in .00000000000001 milliseconds wowie wow he got the cummies

Case 3
Sponge bob got the chain letter and sent it to no one.
He still got the cummies tho

*BONUS* Case 4
Wadanohara got this chain letter and sent it to Sal telling him to gtfo of dA
Wadanohara had to wait 4200000000000 years to get another cummie

Copy and paste it, And samekichi will be under yo bed with foxy

doing da bang bang
One day little bitch-ass lookis from Mother 3 went on the internet.
He saw a picture of his daddy, Sal and this chain letter.
Suddenly Sal came up behind lookis to tell him he's not giving him cummies anymore.
Lookis never got cummies again.
Do you want to end up like Lookis?
Send this to 420 daddies in 69,000 seconds or you'll never get cummies again!

Case 1
Lookis ^

Case 2
The Yee dinosaur sent this to 666 people in .00000000000001 milliseconds wowie wow he got the cummies

Case 3
Sponge bob got the chain letter and sent it to no one.
He still got the cummies tho

*BONUS* Case 4
Wadanohara got this chain letter and sent it to Sal telling him to gtfo of dA
Wadanohara had to wait 4200000000000 years to get another cummie

Copy and paste it, And samekichi will be under yo bed with foxy

doing da bang bang
h-hi s-senpai zim ://3
Im going to send you a link that they just sent me. DON'T open it until you send it to 10 people. Then open it and you will see the person that loves you the most, but first you need to send it to 10 friends, if you don't nothing will show up: Its weird. zzz.totmania.net/O
i remember i used to be obsessed with the show,but i am no longer have interest in it,i do not know why