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Split Trails: Running point root. (p. 1)
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A Tales of Tabira Tale.
Mission 6 - The cost of Safety
Blanc was surrounded.
He'd just made the mistake of coming down to the docks looking for Sally.
The ships had barely hit the piers before grim looking Pokémon were charging at them.
The call had been headed by most, but there were those who were overrun and knocked out by the sheer pummel of pirates in motion.
"Hey guys. This ones look like it might have some spunk."
Blanc looked to the owner of those words. The two blocking his way inland was a big lump of a Beartic, and, a possessed anchor? A grunt was heard from behind.
“A five tailed Vulpix? This’ll be like taking candy from a Teddiursa.”
A look over his shoulder revealed the speaker to be a brute Pignite with an eye-patch, that seemed most for show.
Blanc uncoiled all five tails, and crouched. One possessed anchor flew into motion. It seemed readying to slam Blanc through the pier boards.
Little glowing orbs, five to be exact, flew from Blanc like beads on a string. The fake patch wearing Pignite, the Beartic and the charging anchor were all struck.
Though, the anchor went straight for Blanc by sheer momentum, and the Pignite charged, path swearing precariously close to the pier's edge.
Blanc leapt, airborne as the anchor went through the spot he'd just occupied. The little fox had eyes a glow with fire.
Anchor looked wide eyed up at him, as the word left Blanc's steaming jaws.
Barely a heart beat, and Blanc and pier was engulfed in a swirl of searing bonfire.
Pignite, with embers in his patch, bowled his anchor looking mate right through the flames. He didn't look worse for wear, but the anchor had caught a nasty burn.
The Beartic put down on large white arm he had used to shield his eyes. The only trace of the little five tailed Vulpix, was a couple embers in darkened pier planks.
"Didn't know Vulpix came with run-away."
- Pathetic - Worthless - Coward
Mission 6 - The cost of Safety
Blanc was surrounded.
He'd just made the mistake of coming down to the docks looking for Sally.
The ships had barely hit the piers before grim looking Pokémon were charging at them.
The call had been headed by most, but there were those who were overrun and knocked out by the sheer pummel of pirates in motion.
"Hey guys. This ones look like it might have some spunk."
Blanc looked to the owner of those words. The two blocking his way inland was a big lump of a Beartic, and, a possessed anchor? A grunt was heard from behind.
“A five tailed Vulpix? This’ll be like taking candy from a Teddiursa.”
A look over his shoulder revealed the speaker to be a brute Pignite with an eye-patch, that seemed most for show.
Blanc uncoiled all five tails, and crouched. One possessed anchor flew into motion. It seemed readying to slam Blanc through the pier boards.
Little glowing orbs, five to be exact, flew from Blanc like beads on a string. The fake patch wearing Pignite, the Beartic and the charging anchor were all struck.
Though, the anchor went straight for Blanc by sheer momentum, and the Pignite charged, path swearing precariously close to the pier's edge.
Blanc leapt, airborne as the anchor went through the spot he'd just occupied. The little fox had eyes a glow with fire.
Anchor looked wide eyed up at him, as the word left Blanc's steaming jaws.
Barely a heart beat, and Blanc and pier was engulfed in a swirl of searing bonfire.
Pignite, with embers in his patch, bowled his anchor looking mate right through the flames. He didn't look worse for wear, but the anchor had caught a nasty burn.
The Beartic put down on large white arm he had used to shield his eyes. The only trace of the little five tailed Vulpix, was a couple embers in darkened pier planks.
"Didn't know Vulpix came with run-away."
- Pathetic - Worthless - Coward
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