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February 10, 2004
veteran by *zilla774 is beyond cool, and is a great wallpaper for science fiction fans. The darkness and subtle lighting brings out a bit of eerieness to the creepy subject, not to mention this makes an excellent desktop background.
Featured by alphakx
zilla774's avatar




man, I am ever a huge fan of this model :w00t: when I first saw it, I fell in love with it.

rendered in Poser (I know! I was shocked at the quality too!!) then worked up in Photoshop.

took about 3 hours of adding all the textures freehand in Photoshop, like I normally do, then correcting the shadows and highlights, added a background and toplights to get the atmosphere going and there ya go.

currently my wallpaper and this sucker ain't leaving it for a LONG while

Image size
1280x1024px 214.33 KB
© 2004 - 2025 zilla774
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dEGOnstruction's avatar
love this so much. just wish it were in my 1440x900 res! oh well. fantastic work here regardless :)