euphoriazilla774 on DeviantArt

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zilla774's avatar




no more spikey floaty abstracts for a while, I promise ;)

'cept this only uses a *tiny* spikey floaty thingy *honest* ;)

decided this needed to some 2D slapped onto it to give it a slightly fuller feel. You may have noticed that most of my Abs dont have 2D. Now u know why. I'm rubbish at it. (mind you, I'm not brilliant at abstracts either.... as most of you lot keep pointing out to me)

Meshed and Rendered in 3DS. Large amounts of time spent ruining the render in Photoshop. 2D in PS. Makeup by Revlon. Cameras courtesy of Panaflex. Colouring by Technicolour(tm). Acme is a registered trademark (r) I'm waffling now.... can u tell?


/me goes off to write out 'I must not submit any abstracts to Deviant Art ever again' 100 times
Image size
800x1200px 210.55 KB
© 2004 - 2024 zilla774
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SudoKai's avatar
:beg: can i plea with you to keep submitting abstracts? :beg:

Im going to be your favorite drug you realize this dont you? ;p