The Hoardzilla774 on DeviantArt

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zilla774's avatar

The Hoard



well, this is quite a moment for me, for two reasons. Firstly, this image has been knocking around since 1995 when I did a watercolour and pen version of it. I subsequently forgot about it (as u do) and only came back to it when I found my old portfolio. Secondly it marks the first time I have created a full dragon, from scratch, without reference. Might not sound much, but believe me it means one heck of a lot to me :)

This is without doubt the longest and most detailed work I have achieved. It has taken, not counting conception way back when ;), around 50+ hours to complete. :faint:

All work was undertaken in Photoshop CS with my Intous2 pen.

The idea behind it (for those that need it explaining ;)) is that a Hoard of gold is a hoard, no matter what the size of the dragon, or the Hoard :D

I wanted a very cute look on the dragon, I'm not sure I've fully achieved that, but then is a dragon ever *really* cute?

Things that bug me: the wings. ARGH! no matter what I did to them I still hate them. :(

Things I love: The eyes (sooo rewarding to do) and the coins - cos they came out so well.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do :D
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1280x1024px 214.6 KB
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dlambeaut's avatar
Agree with you: No matter the size, a hoard is a hoard.
Agree again: Coins are superb, and the eyes really glow and pop up. Maybe the wings and horns are the weakest part.