Art Show Abstract EyeZiggy11 on DeviantArt

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Ziggy11's avatar

Art Show Abstract Eye



Okay, so I'm about ready to just start giving these things numbers when I put them up.
Unfortunately, my computer got a virus, so now I'm kidnapping other people's computers to check dA. This is not all that I have, however it is all that I have scanned in at tha moment. I have a lot more that I've don, it's just not uploadable at the moment. Anyway, so this was doodled at an art show because I was bored and didn't have a lot up to showcase, so I drew it in about five minutes, put it on some matboard (thank you Vikishus), and put it up. Ta-da!
Anyway, tell me what you think. Comments = love :heart:
Image size
1430x883px 373.33 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Ziggy11
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Eterzweizigen's avatar
I dont know what write about your picture. I dont know why but reminds me eye of water human