Ziferonan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ziferonan/art/Funeral-82245732Ziferonan

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Ziferonan's avatar




I was randomly drawing, with purpose to draw some nice Matsuda. Instead I got this - Soichiro on the funeral of Touta's parents, who died after robbers attack *in my version poor boy was at some school fest while his parents were robbed and killed during the highjack*. He wasn't a chief yet, so he was investigating that case himself and it hurt him cause they were once his friends, and now he feels terribly sorry and responsibly for the boy who's now all by himself.

Don't try to find any logic here.
I know, Soichiro looks too old, sakura on the background is foolishly offtopic, Matsuda's clothes is complete absurd for the situation and the only nice thing here, perhaps, is the coffin. ) I don't know where is my brain for the last few days, and I don't know where had it been while i was drawing THIS.
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700x655px 157.04 KB
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RubyQuinn's avatar
Wow, this is a really nice concept for Matsuda's past! Really creative, and I can see it being true, too! Nice!!