Early FeelingsZiegelzeig on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ziegelzeig/art/Early-Feelings-674090255Ziegelzeig

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Early Feelings



Hello everybody !
This little art was commissioned by the incredible :icondrummermax64: who asked me to draw Nick and Judy as child (the fox in his scout ranger uniform, the bunny in her bunny cop disguise) walking paw in paw in the meadows... 
I find the idea pretty cute, and stat wondering what could have happened if those two have met as children... Yeah, i ship them even at child's age. I'm incorrigible.

Have a great day :)

Image size
1925x2528px 2.61 MB
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eta-gamma-14's avatar

Odds are a million to one they would've been real close friends if they met as kids.

But what about Judy's parents? How would they have felt about her being friends with a fox?