Date in Tundra TownZiegelzeig on DeviantArt

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Ziegelzeig's avatar

Date in Tundra Town



First real fanart of Zootopia. This movie is juste awesome, and i can't have 5 mn without thinking about it.
I think that Zootopia (the city) is really awesome, and part of what makes this movie so great!

So, i wanted to train background and "ambiance" by few scenes that will be a personnal view of the city... And for good measure, we will follow Judy and Nick relationship's evolution in the same way.
I was thinking that Judy don't really got the time to visit and discover Zootopia since she came in town. So, on purpose, Nick can be a really good guide for her, making her discovering all the places in town that are need to be seen :) And by, the way, they dating, of course... And their feeling for each other growing, step by step...
Just a paw on the paw for this time, and the pleasure to take a good coffee in the famous Starbear Coffee, on Tundra Town. Snowy days come with love.

See you soon for another art.

How, by the way, i will try coloring this one... I'm not good at that, so it can be a good way to practice a little !

(if someone is interested by a colorisation, i have a "lineart" version of this, so just ask me, and i can send it to you).

And sorry for my really bad english. I try my best... :/
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3429x2281px 4.37 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Ziegelzeig
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PTsvengeance's avatar
Finally got to read the chapter of A Path to Travel Together where this scene is! Ohhhh it all comes together so beautifully!