Ziboe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ziboe/art/Rubicon-939440749Ziboe

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-Mordax now Hawk, a former slave sold to Albert's empire has finally found his nemesis and is preparing for a final battle that will only be resolved with the death of one of them.

An scene for my friend dumdog and mine story Apostates in the dark. A significant point for one of the main characters (Mordax), having partially defeated one of the main villains(Albert) in the plot, downfalls and becomes a villain himself. Of course Lillie is there just to waste oxygen. Driven by unconditional love she commits an irreversible action. Lmao this story is full of chaos and tragedy. Top two characters (Mordax and Lillie) belong to her, while the bottom (Albert) belongs to me.
I forgot to post this drawing sobs.

If you would like to use my art in any way or form please contact me any place about it!
Image size
2374x1788px 5.17 MB
© 2022 - 2024 Ziboe
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the-erlebnisse's avatar

This is so beautiful and inspiring. I love your style! And these designs are 🔥gorgeous work!