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For my Advanced Perspective final project.
A 1.5 month long project where we either make up a story or take a pre-existing story and re-imagine it.

I decided to combine the Grim stories of "Snow White" and "Snow White and Rose Red" and turn it into a period Korean drama.
Snow White -…
Snow White & Rose Red -…

I really hope I can produce this as an actual Korean drama or a feature film someday.
Snow White and Rose Red

At the palace, the Evil Queen has just risen from being a secondary concubine to queen when the first queen passed on. In order to maintain her status, she pushed for her son (the eldest son but illegitimate to the throne) to be the heir and placed the former queen's son (the real crown prince) under a curse as a fox. Two sisters Snow White and Rose Red were wandering the forest when they come across a 10ft fox. Despite the fears the legendary Gumiho, they befriend the fox.

This features the evil queen trying to kill off the crown prince. 

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3300x1341px 1.35 MB
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