Cd32 Sega6zgodzinski on DeviantArt

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zgodzinski's avatar

Cd32 Sega6



I made this remake of the original CD32 ad back in March, over half a year ago. It was orignally part of a very aggressive marketing effort undertaken by Commodore and aimed at Sega. One particularly neat publicity stunt was to rent a huge billboard in front of the European Sega headquarters and slap a photo of CD32 on it labeled with "To be this good will take Sega ages" slogan.

Original circa 1993, remake modeled in Blender and rendered in Cycles

Original ad:

This is a fan art, all trademarks and other copyrighted elements etc. are the property of their respective owners, and are used here only for creative expression.
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2560x1440px 924.45 KB
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ReddyToDraw123's avatar

All it needs is a paint can to hold up the disc hatch.