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September 30, 2023
Crystal Tutorial [CSP] by Zevanox
Featured by BeckyKidus
Zevanox's avatar

Crystal Tutorial [CSP]

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This tutorials will show you how I like to draw crystals. 
Feel free to try it out yourself for your own drawings and paintings. (:

You will need:
- Clip Studio Paint (either versions works)
- And you’ll need to use this brush: assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/d…
- All other brushes I use are default brushes, so you don’t need anything else!

If you don’t have clip, you could probably still pull this off if you have a similar brush that creates those sparsely spaced out diamonds shapes. 
Or you can create your own shapes, but I like the randomness that the brush provides.

I hope you like it!
if you try this out or if you have questions, feel free to comment down below!

Here's some examples of finished drawings with this style of crystals <3
Plush - Beautiful Night by Zevanox
Plush - Travelers Bend by Zevanox
Plush - Awakening the Spark by Zevanox

Image size
800x2358px 568.89 KB
© 2023 - 2024 Zevanox
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t-me1's avatar

Thanks for the Tutorial


I did this in GIMP rather Clip Studio Paint so I had to make the brush myself.

Thankfully it's pretty easy to just make a diamond shape and set Dynamics to Random.