imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 64bitZEUSosX on DeviantArt

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imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 64bit




imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 64bit made by Pavlos Pitselas.

imac is an osx style theme under my personal view for Windows 8 RTM 64bit.

see some preview screenshots of the theme…


Special Thanks to DM-moinmoin for uploading the 64bit system files, so to be this modification for 64 bit systems.

the theme is made to work when to default size, so go to Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationDisplay and be sure that you have select (default) Smaller 100% .

There are on this download, system files that can be used only on 64 versions of windows 8 RTM (64 bit), and including instructions text.

But you have to replcace also system files that exist to c:windowssyswow64 folder which are 32 bit ones, so you have to copy also my imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 32bit… and copy those files from there.
There is instructions text which explain those.

Please download 7zip for unzip the files and follow carefully the instructions included.
as also please, about taking ownership in files of windows 8 have a look to this… to this…
i recomend after unzip the file to take ownership to the folder [selecting during the procedure this to be applied to all subfolders of it]

before doing anything make a restore point .

as also after you copy paste the system files dll, following the instructions, to C:WindowsSystem32 take again the ownership of them.


I do not allow any modifications of my work.



For dissapearing the status bar at the bottom of explorer's window go to Control PanelAll Control Panel Items select 'FOLDER OPTIONS', select 'view' then deselect the 'Show Status bar'

Setting small title font on titlebar :
go to Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationDisplay and set to the section 'Change only the text size' to '9' and select/check the 'bold' option.

How to Change Desktop Icon Horizontal and Vertical Spacing in Windows 8.
Thanks to zydrius32 who post me the link… 'How to Change Desktop Icon Horizontal and Vertical Spacing in Windows 8' made by Brink.


By downloading this Visual Style/theme and system files, you agree to the following conditions:

- This Visual Style/theme and the modified system files, are free for personal use only.
- It must not be used commercially.
- You can distribute it for free as long as the files are unmodified and this text file is included with the zip file.
- You may not sell them or use them for profit.
- Do not take credit for creating this Visual Styles/themes and system files.
- I am not liable for any sort of damage to your computer from using this Visual Styles/themes.
This is a special ''handmade'' [=hex editing + resourse hacker] work so please respect it.

Made in GREECE , September 2012.

Thank you.


D O N A T I O N.

Thank you so much YOU, for wanting to donate for my work.

All of my osx style theme/works are free, therefore I rely on Donations to be able to make an income from this work.

You can DONATE using the link… , that will take you to Paypal – which handles the donation process.

Thank you.

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D-utch's avatar
instructions on how to install please