Aqua World os x style Theme for Windows 8 rtmZEUSosX on DeviantArt

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ZEUSosX's avatar

Aqua World os x style Theme for Windows 8 rtm




Reuploaded 04/11/2012 ****

please re download the shell32.dll , and use the new version one.

Statusbar of themes has new color same as the color of Navigation Pane's,
via new code parameters added to shell32.dll , see [link]


Reuploaded 30/10/2012 ****

please re download the themes, and use the new version ones.


Aqua World

Aqua World is an os x style theme for Windows 8 rtm , inspired from the mac os X and made under my personal view.

Made by Pavlos Pitselas [link] , October 2012.

Made in Greece.


THIS WORK its not a stand alone work.

It has 8 [4 with shadows and 4 without shadows] visual styles and a system file (shell32.dll) for each version (32 bit and 64 bit)

Names of the visual styles/themes:

Μέταλλον (= Metal) is a brushed theme with fat vertical separators, so suitable for touch monitor tablets/computers.
Πλατίνα (= Platinum) is a lighter brushed looking theme with fat vertical separators, so suitable for touch monitor tablets/computers.
Φαιόν (= Gray) is a gray version with thin vertical separators in mountain lion style.
Υδωρ (= Aqua,Water) is a lighter gray version with thin vertical separators and a light blue main surface so for be more relaxing after many hours work to pc.

It has been made for using together with my ''imac theme for Windows 8 RTM'' system files theme, just replacing the shell32.dll of your system and use this from this pack, if you wish to have the preview pane to top, and details pane to the right.

Attention: if both Preview Pane and Details Pane are appeared, then we will have this kind of appearance:

Details pane will give the preview of the current file or folder we select with our mouse and also the details text description of it
Preview pane will give the preview of the folder that contains the selected file or folder. [except if the current file is a text or music file or video]

now if we want to have to the Preview pane the preview of the current file or image etc we must first close the Details pane.

If you want to have the details pane to the bottom and the preview pane to the right, like the default of windows 7, use the shell32 from the 'imac theme for Windows 8 RTM' version.

so depending if your system is a 32 bit or a 64 bit one, you must first download my ''imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 32bit'' [link] or ''imac theme for Windows 8 RTM 64bit'' [link] and follow the instructions of them.
from this theme just copy paste the themes , the wallpapers pack so the 'Mac os X Wallpapers' folder and if you wish the shell32.dll

the visual styles that having an X at the end of their name (for example Υδωρ Χ ) have shadows around explorer's window.

the rest have not having shadows, if you wish to add to those shadow you can use the freeware application 'yzshadow' , so download the from [link] see first this [link]
For starting an aplication such as the 'yzshadow' with windows start up , go to control panel/clasic view/folder options then go to view and select show hidden files and folders.

then go to :
C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/StartUp and paste all the shortcuts there.
This will create startup programs for all the users.


There is 'instructions text' included to the pack, which explains the installation proccess.



For dissapearing the status bar at the bottom of explorer's window go to Control PanelAll Control Panel Items select 'FOLDER OPTIONS', select 'view' then deselect the 'Show Status bar'

Setting small title font on titlebar :
go to Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationDisplay and set to the section 'Change only the text size' to '9' and select/check the 'bold' option.

How to Change Desktop Icon Horizontal and Vertical Spacing in Windows 8.
See [link] 'How to Change Desktop Icon Horizontal and Vertical Spacing in Windows 8'


By downloading this Visual Style/theme and system files, you agree to the following conditions:

- This Visual Style/theme and the modified system files, are free for personal use only.
- It must not be used commercially.
- You may not sell them or use them for profit.
- Do not take credit for creating this Visual Styles/themes and system files.
- I am not liable for any sort of damage to your computer from using this Visual Styles/themes.
This is a special ''handmade'' [=hex editing + resourse hacker] work so please respect it.

Made in GREECE , October 2012.


D O N A T I O N.

Thank you so much YOU, for wanting to donate for my work.

All of my osx style theme/works are free, therefore I rely on Donations to be able to make an income from this work.

You can DONATE using the link [link] , that will take you to Paypal – which handles the donation process.

Thank you.

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Piakaphuong-bom's avatar
I'm using it now
It's not as same as your image