
Pas de Deux ToT Written Application

Deviation Actions

Zero-Zivan's avatar

Literature Text


Team Title Pas de Deux
Joined 05/24/2017


--Keepers Rep:          Rank:
--Trackers Rep:         Rank: 
--Scholars Rep:         Rank: 
--Artisans Rep:         Rank: 


Jasminami Cenoreilles

Young Adult / Adult           Female

Wears a lavender shawl from her neck to her shoulders and eyeliner to match. Although this segment of her fur is normally covered, she has slightly different patterns along her neck and chest than in regular Mienfoo, resulting from her long purebred family line.

She is a bold girl, somewhat vain, sometimes to the point of being full of herself. Having been raised in a household where she's practically waited on hand and foot, she's used to others doing as she says. In the heat of battle, she prefers to let the masters do the work, but believes (mistakenly) that she can hold her own if she needs to.

Ability: Inner Focus
Move 1: Double Slap
Move 2: Meditate
Move 3: Swift
Move 4: Fake Out


-Move Tool: None

-Ribbon Baton
--A part of several of Jasmine's dance routines. She keeps it on hand to constantly practice. It is not intended for combat and can be easily broken if overstrained.


Noir Obsidian

Adult            Male 
Description: Keeps his hair pulled back out of his eyes with a second bead, and matching earrings in each ear. He wears a leg pouch to carry small items in, but prefers to use his thick fur for larger items.

Noir is motivated by money, but that comes second to challenging authority (in the sassiest way possible). He has a particular dislike for those who think poorly of him because of his breed and illusion ability. This is usually a valid concern, since he is accustomed to stealing and lying to get his way. He is a thoroughly cunning and a powerful fighter, and so can hold his own even when type advantage is against him.

Ability: Illusion
Move 1: Night Daze
Move 2: Night Slash
Move 3: Foul Play
Move 4: Feint Attack


-Move Tool: None

-Legstrap Pouch
--Description: A small leather pouch used for small carry-ons. It's firmly bound and tough to remove except by Noir himself.


> Honeycomb Storage <



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Ken-the-Eagle's avatar
Yay! You two doing a collab ^^