Sentimentalism is for the Deaf by EmaciatedandEpitaphs, literature
Sentimentalism is for the Deaf
Does it bother you?
Is it merely a whisper in the back of your mind,
a fleeting murmur you neither forget nor find?And not to overburden your integrity,
but you never really listened for the subtleties.
Hell, you could hardly tell the difference
between those baritone bellows
and a soprano scream.I suppose my prattling never helped any,
I would go on and on, ranting
about cataclysms and catatonics,
describing the distinction between
the apathetic and enormous.You withstood my every accusation,
eyes defiant as you listened.
My words quickened,
syllables spilling out lisped persistence,
asking you for elasticity, some flexibility
to allevi...
Please understand: I do not want
to want this (you).I realized at poem nineteen-of-fifty:
You (college-borne) are a new you,
I (weaponized) am a new me,
and the new me still wants the new you.