XJ10 alias JaydenZenox-furry-man on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zenox-furry-man/art/XJ10-alias-Jayden-533007124Zenox-furry-man

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XJ10 alias Jayden



You remember Dr.Locus right? well i think when him steal date from Jenny, make one day a him version. This is our ideas, XJ10 alias Jayden, she is combat fighting robot girl, like fight and wanna be the best combat fighter robot in the galaxy, but first..she want destroy one obstacle, Jenny..

Idea from me and :icontwisted-wind:
art from :icontwisted-wind:
My life as a Teenage robot from Nikleodeon
Image size
1393x2356px 472.82 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Zenox-furry-man
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PF21's avatar

As I'm looking at this picture, I know she made to rival Jenny, but at the same time, I keep thinking she'll keep losing to Jenny because she lacks what Jenny has. Can't recall what that was, but at the same time, it might be possible that Jayden could rebel if she finds herself losing to Jenny every time they fight.

I'm reminding myself of the Mega Man/Bass rivalry from the Mega Man games as I write this.

Still, not a bad picture! :)