zemotion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zemotion/art/Motherland-Chronicles-44-Germaine-II-419596938zemotion

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Motherland Chronicles #44 - Germaine II


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For the Motherland Chronicles project :iconmotherlandchronicles: (Follow us on Facebook and Tumblr!)

Winter makes me kind of sad so I've been a bit listless and failed to post last week's picture. Will make it up with another new pic this weekend~

Photography: Zhang Jingna zemotion
Hair: Junya Nakashima Hair
Makeup: Tatyana Kharkova
Model: Germaine Persinger
Assistants: Tiffany Liu, Melissa Castor, Evenlyn Liu
Dress: Leonid Gurevich
Necklaces: *harlequinromantique

Follow me~!
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Motherland Chronicles:
Motherland Chronicles #43 - Dreaming by zemotionMotherland Chronicles #42 - Tabitha by zemotionMotherland Chronicles #41 - From the Ashes by zemotionMotherland Chronicles #38 - A Prayer by zemotionMotherland Chronicles #34 - In the Secret Garden by zemotionMotherland Chronicles #32 - Ea. by zemotion

© Zhang Jingna
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Image size
482x631px 246.47 KB
© 2013 - 2024 zemotion
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eye-of-illumination's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Almost mono-chromatic, with a cool palette of colors. The lines combine 3rds, interlaced with a Golden Ratio. Center-line from eye, to neck, meets a pop of metallics. The pale skin is given depth garnered from the soft clothe.

A good placement of light from front to back, further enhancing depth with great consideration to the eyes. Halo for dramatic effect giving awareness to etheral, yet, angelic qualities.

5 to the vision, as the composition is rendered intelligently.
3 to the originality. I do feel the entire model and wardrobe missed out.
4 to technique, based upon the standards of close-model photo ops.
4 to impact, because it was a masterful composition of elements.