PotPlayer Skin - Metro.XZem0s on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zem0s/art/PotPlayer-Skin-Metro-X-369458307Zem0s

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May 9, 2013
PotPlayer Skin - Metro.X by ~Zem0s Odds are you haven't heard of this media player before. Make sure to check out PotPlayer with this marvelous theme by Zem0s!
Featured by fediaFedia
Zem0s's avatar

PotPlayer Skin - Metro.X



I've tried to realize a real Metro Skin for PotPlayer.
... and that's the result!

It contains the videoplayer, the musicplayer, the playlist and of course the controlbox.

You can choose between 12 different versions.
[three colors, two backgrounds and two available sizes for the Play-Button]

The musicplayer will display the album cover from mp3 files, if embedded.

For the playlist I'm using "Segoe UI Semibold 9".

Different Version: [link]

v1.5 [09.06.2013]
# Added the function for attaching and detaching the playlist (audio- and videomode)
( The attached mode looks at the dark ones a little bit different )
# Changed some bordersizes and button-positions
# Option to select subtitles added
# Removed the gradient at the bottom of the equlizer in the audio mode

v1.6 [23.06.2013]
# Changed the bottom of the right side regarding the light-skins (on fullscreen).
# Changed the playlist-position on fullscreen
# Some modifications on the xml-files... So that the AutoHide-Patch can take effect!

v1.7 [18.11.2013]
# Some modifications on the xml-files... regarding the updated Patch
# Fixed some button positions

Metro.X - Patch v2.0 [With GUI] [18.11.2013]
This patch makes it possible to hide the playlist and the other stuff on fullscreen.
In addition you can transform the skin to a minimalistic version without the three metro squares.

The changes are for both versions: Russian and English

Info! Right-Click on the playlist-icon for attaching and detaching the playlist.
© 2013 - 2025 Zem0s
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Madness33's avatar

Thanks for the gorgeous skin!!

Wanted to download patch 2 to remove 3 buttons. But the link doesn't work, so i modified the version Metro.X [Dark_Purple_S]


Removed 3 buttons

Now skin show filename in the titlebar instead of the word "video"

Main color of skin background changed HEX #11131e (darkblue) check out screenshot

Copy Cyberpunk.jpg in aPotPlayer Logos folder if you need it \PotPlayer1.7.21595.x64\Logos

Don't forget right-Click on the playlist-icon for attaching playlist.

I'll leave it here might be useful to someone else.

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KR6Sac1sr-VmvgaLpKZH0nQH9wh-2VZx/view?usp=sharing