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PotPlayer Skin - Eclipse



// Eclipse v3.0 [24.05.2013]

# Button to popup the Subtitle Explorer added
# View more tooltips
# Fixed position of the tab-buttons
# Fixed Position of "Preset" text

# Fixed position of the add- and remove buttons
# The top of the playlist will fit now to the position of the playbutton in the videomode
# Increased size of the left and rigth border (+ slightly changes in terms of color)
# Removed percent message in videomode
# Changed the right side of tap background

# New chaptersymbols with the option to show or hide them (by using an invisible button)
# If you increase the size of the player (> 785 px) the aperance of the navigationbar will change
- Two buttons on the left side will appear: one for "subtitles on/off | choose subtitles" and one for the "audio lines"
- Therefore the current- and total playtime will be new positioned (+ bigger font and brighter color)
# Clock for the fullscreen mode added... Now you can check the time while whatching a movie (24h and 12h mode are available)

# Removed the AlbumArt from the controlbox. That wasn't the best solution.
# The cover, if embedded... will now be displayd within the playlist.

Things I wanted to do, but couldn't be realized!
# Tatch/Detach - function for the playlist (Can't hide it at fullscreen)
# Making the timebar of the musicplayer grow and shrink.

There are 3 versions:
The differences are only in the audiomode.

# Without AlbumArt

# The cover will be displayed on the left side of the playlist including shuffle and repeat.

# No Controlbox. The main audio features are integrated at the bottom of the playlist including AlbumArt.
# The bottom of the playlist will dock to the top, if you decrease the size.


Album Manager
I've wrote a small extension that make it possible to play albums by clicking on the cover.
I thought... Maybe someone would like to use it, too. So, I have published it!

Please take a look at the included readme for further information.

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DMS-X's avatar

Very nice Potplayer skin!! Thank you! 😍