MoongazingZeimyth on DeviantArt

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Zeimyth's avatar




Sometimes it's nice to just sit and admire the night sky.

This is my part of the weekly art challenge between myself and Skyder117. This week's challenge was to draw totally in greyscale. Skyder asked me to draw a dragon for :iconxsyd:.

I limited the values that I had access to for this drawing and tried to focus on making the individual shapes on the dragon be more implied than implicit. I have mixed feelings about the result. Overall, though, I'm pleased with how this turned out.

Check out Skyder's version for this week! Art Challenge! Kidra

Time: 2 hours
Medium: Wacom Bamboo tablet in Photoshop Elements 8
Image size
827x1169px 206.75 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Zeimyth
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GriffinPhillis's avatar
Nice lighting and shading here! :la:
Lighting and shading is quite difficult in this way, even for me. @.=.@