Zeilyan on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/zeilyan/art/Raiden-563798660Zeilyan

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

December 20, 2015
Raiden by Zeilyan is a portrait painting with a beautiful play of light and shadow and a cool palette that helps amplify the pensive expression.  From the suggester: "So realistic and dynamic, a really awe-inspiring portrait!

Featured by TsaoShin
Suggested by Minato-Kushina
Zeilyan's avatar



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Long time not making art and using this site, but oh well... c:

For those asking about commissions: I'm not taking commissions, thanks for your interest.

About the art... I'm playing Metal Gear Rising (finally) and I'm somehow adicted, what a great game! and I love Raiden! AHHHH!!! :heart: 

I'm more active in Facebook: www.facebook.com/Katherine-Car…

And thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes, I had an awesome bday :hug:
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800x1000px 730.19 KB
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