Zee-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zee-chan/art/Do-not-F-with-Ginny-60540521Zee-chan

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Do not F--- with Ginny.



Saving my photoshop files as JPEGs always kills the awesomely awesome colours. WELCOME TO WASHED-OUT LAND. >O

In the spirit of the Month of Harry Potter, here's Ginny Weasley getting ready to kick some ass. Still stuck in some of my bad colouring/photoshop abuse habits, but really, it's a miracle I even finished this thing. I never finish anything, so. =P

Ginny has always been one of my favourite characters for whatever reason, probably because she starts to really kick ass and grow as an individual around book 5. I like all of Rowling's female characters, really, but Ginny just sticks out for me. <3

Why does Adriana Costa always wear glorified dishrags and consider them glamorous? >_>; *watching The Lot*

Sketched, scanned, and 'shopped. Yeah I suck at art, whatever. XP
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860x1202px 143.11 KB
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Sugar-Kat's avatar
Oooh good job on this. Ginny is a very cool character in my opinion :D I really like how you did the eyes and hair!