Sonic and Korra - Swimming lessons Page 5Zavraan on DeviantArt

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Sonic and Korra - Swimming lessons Page 5



Sorry for the delay guys, I had to do a lot of things that prevented me from finishing it in time.

But this right here, is basically my version of why Sonic hates the water so much. I know that the official reason for it is because the creator of Sonic just assumed that hedgehogs couldn't swim and therefore the flaw stuck regardless.

But there was never really given an explination in the games. I don't remember Sonic telling us or his friends why he doesn't like H2o. Then I remember that a lot of fans hate most of the water levels and how slow they were. Not to mention the scary drowning music, so I've decided to combine the fear of drowning, along with Sonic loving to run more than to swim, and made that my head-canon as to why he hates the water.

ANd yes, I love Big the cat. I loved that no matter what came his way, he would never leave Froggy behind. :)

The backgrounds of this page were...tedious. Though the last panel wasn't so bad.

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