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Cetanith the bottlenose dolphin


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You pronounce his name as: "Say-tan-if."

When I wanted to design Cetanith, he had to be the prime example of a bottlenose. And loved drawing the shark bite on his dorsal fin. :heart:

He is a joy to write, because he can do sadistic things, allowing me to use elements I never could've used in Jack.

Cetantih is 18 in human years.

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WimpishMercury's avatar

I know the Ecco story and the Caribbean story are separate from each other, but imagine if Cetanith was having a conversation and said something like

"Flemis? Why in the actual fuck would one of my descendants be named Flemis? That's a stupid-ass name!"

And guess what one of his descendants is called*.

*Well either that or one of the other Ecco story characters.