Shas'O Twilight Sparkle and Shaper SpikeZatGeneral on DeviantArt

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Shas'O Twilight Sparkle and Shaper Spike



A little something that cropped up in my head yesterday. The idea started with what would Twilight put on a Crisis Battlesuit and eventually evolved to something like "what would each of the mane six's roles be in a Tau Fire Cadre?.

So why is Twilight in a XV88 Crisis Battlesuit? Because it's shiny.

Oh and Skipe is a Kroot Shaper :P
_ _ _

Art by me :iconzatgeneral:

Done in about 4 hours, fairly quick and dirty on the coloring though.

MLP FIM belongs to :iconfyre-flye: and :iconhasbroplz: 

Warhammer 40k and all things associated with it belong to Games Workshop.
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750x500px 288.74 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ZatGeneral
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The Tau do mesh the best with mlp...

Granted if one- they are not mind controlled

And two- they do not eventually torch everyone that doesn't fall completely in line with their demands ...


GD warhammer universe, u so fekked up....

And sadly there are somethings that are not for the greater good, they are just called that... Or are only positive from a lustful selfish agenda...

I'm looking at you, princess...