Legendary BowmanZatarian on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/zatarian/art/Legendary-Bowman-70778013Zatarian

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Legendary Bowman



Old and long forgotten ballads told the legends of the bowmen from The Order of the Black Eye. We grouped together, the elite of the elite, and won many battles. It was said that a Black Eye archer can stand at a great distance from his target and hit it in the marked spot, no matter how small.
We were comprised of the greatest and we knew it. The order was founded to protect the innocent and battle for justice. After three generations, however, the order was corrupted, by our greed and the fact that we thought we were above all, even the law. For this reason the council of sorcerers banished us and forbade us from uniting, so that we, each on our own, would think about, understand and learn from our mistakes, thus rectifying it. When we were ready and the world called upon us again, only then may we foge the order again.

Thousands of years have passed. Our legend and our deeds forgotten, but the world cries out for our help and we must answer. On this day we recreate The Order of the Black Eye!

I made this for the Seventh Sanctum class act contest.
I used the Class/Profession Generator and got Legendary Bowman.
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499x649px 36.65 KB
anonymous's avatar
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Hey, I was just looking for pictures of archers/bowmen, and I like this one. :)

My only criticism is that his posture isn't great... Kinda makes him look more "beginner" than "legendary". I don't want to criticise too harshly though, I like your work.