
ToT Extra: Home Sweet Home

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“Alright Ray, thanks for the help! We’re gonna head home now. See ya!” Horace waved goodbye to the Riolu. “Hey, that reminds me,” Ray began. “You guys aren’t from around here, right? Where have you been staying lately? You have relatives here or something?” Horace shook his head. “No, we’ve just been camping out. We’re used to it from traveling so much.”

“What?! You guys are homeless?” “W-well, I w-wouldn’t say th-that…” Gary stuttered. “Oh come on, you guys have gotta have a place to stay somewhere. What if it rains?” Horace sighed. He knew that he shouldn’t have brought it up with Ray. “Well, our tents are waterproof, so it’s not that bad. Besides, we’ve been living in them so long they’re practically home to us.” Ray shook his head. “Nonsense! We’ve got to do something about this.” His face lit up. “I’ve got it! I’ll ask some of the guild members to help build you a house!” Gary stepped back, a little surprised. “R-really,it’s n-no trouble. Y-you don’t h-have to do that…”

Ray laughed. “It’s the least I can do for you guys, after all the times you’ve covered for me. Here, you can stay at my place tonight, I’ve got plenty of space!” Horace shot Gary a look. “Well, if you insist…”


“Hey guys, wake up, I have a surprise for you all! Come outside!” Ray hollered into his guest room. Both Horace and Gray groaned. “Y’know, you could have woken us up without waking up the entire neighborhood…” The two rolled out of bed and headed out to see what it was. “C’mon, follow me!” Ray dashed off again, leaving the two guild recruits to rail behind him, shouting for him to wait as they headed towards a small wooded area.

“SURPRISE!!!” A large group of Pokemon stood around a small house, built in the middle of a clearing. A banner hung from the roof, reading, “WELCOME TO TABIRA!” Horace stood gaping with shock, while Gary began to tear up a little at the kindness of the gesture.

Ray grinned. “I take it that you like it? Well, I asked around, and these guys were ok with helping me build this thing last night.” Gary looked surprised. “Y-you built this… all in one n-night?” Ray nodded. “It took a while, bt everyone here was ok with it. Although,” He looked over to where Team Courage’s Chip was napping on the porch, her teammate Riley trying to get her to wake up, “Not everyone was able to stay up for so long.”

“Everyone, thank you. Really. This is just too much.” Horace said to the group, sniffling a little. “Bùyòng xiè!” Team Guang’s Lin Lin stepped forward. “It was not easy, but I think that it turned out nicely.” Her teammate, Penny, sighed. “Yeah, you can say that again. I think Chip has the right idea. I’m gonna take a nap as soon as we get home.”

Team Shadow Foxes’ Zack gave a snort of laughter. “Sleep is for the weak! Still, I’ll be taking it easy after you had me work through the night for this.” His teammate Alex nodded. “No more missions today anyway.”

Sonya the Eevee of Team Pathfinders sighed. “Yang, I don’t know why you agreed to do this. I’m way too tired to do any missions. Now we’re going to have to wait another day to get them done.” Her partner, Yang the Mienfoo, flinched a little at her remarks. “P-please don’t be m-mad Sonya. I was only t-trying to help.”

Stefan the Minun pushed his glasses up his face. “It took time, but I believe that helping people is what all good guild members should do. It is our civic duty to-” “Aw, c’mon Stefan, let’s just go already! I’m sleepy!” His sister Stella dragged him off into the woods.

“Yeah, I think we should go too.” Riley said, having finally managed to lift up Chip, whose mumblings indicated that she was dreaming of muffins. “Thanks for all the help! If you ever need anything, we’d be more than happy to return the favor!” Horace waved as sh left the clearing.

The rest of the teams filed out one by one, leaving Horace and Gary to stare at their new home. “Well, Gary, I think we just made some new friends. C’mon, let’s go inside!”
What's this? Two important uploads in two days! Impossibluh!

This is just a short thing I put together after realizing that Team Harvester didn't really have a place to stay in Tabira. I decided to feature a few teams who helped build the house to ease into writing multiple cameos. I just hope I got some of the personalities right! Also, I hope Google translate didn't screw me over on some of Lin Lin's dialogue.

:iconspotblur:'s Team Courage, Riley and Chip
:iconsnowbound-becca:'s Team Guang, Penny and Lin Lin
:iconninja-foxdemon-angel:'s Team Pathfinders, Sonya and Yang
:icondusklugia:'s Team Electrophilc, Stefan and Stella
:iconspartan771:'s Team Shadow Foxes, Zack and Alex
© 2017 - 2024 Zassa2
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DuskLugia's avatar
Thanks for the cameo! You got Stefan & Stella's dynamic pretty spot on :)