
Team Harvester Trivia

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I want to write some ToT stuff, but I'm too lazy/tired from traveling right now to work on an actual chapter, so I'm just going to write a few fun facts about my characters.

1) The name "Harvester" comes from a space fighter I had designed(I'll post a photo of it eventually, I think) which in turn was named for the song "Harvester of Eyes." Despite the sinister nature of that title, Horace and Gary have no desire to steal peoples' eyeballs.

2) Horace's name is taken from the "Ranger's Apprentice" series, in which one of the main characters is a knight named Horace. While the two aren't overly similar, Horace is a chivalrous guy when it comes down to it, just as his namesake, so I feel it's appropriate.

3) Gary's name just comes from the fact that it's fun to say. However, his speech patterns are heavily based on my friend Steve, who has a stutter, hence the inspiration for Gary having one.

4) The original design for Gary's hat was a tinfoil hat, but I eventually changed it a little to be more of a steel-like metal that wrapped around in a pointed band. It absorbs static from his fur to help him fire Thunderbolts. He can use the move without the hat, but it would less accurate and effective.

5) Every single time I have drawn Horace to date, I have forgotten to draw his tail until the last minute.

6) Horace actually has a younger brother, who will be appearing in Chapter 2. His father will show up during Intermission 3, according to the script so far. His mother will only appear in flashbacks and memories and such.

7) Gary's brother will make an appearance during Chapters 4 and 5. He won't be too important to the main story, but he'll be important for personal story/character reasons.

8) I actually hadn't planned any of my backstory stuff for my characters when I was first starting in the group. A lot of it was improvised during and after the first mission.

9) If you think Horace's whistle is impressive because it knocks people out, wait till you see his dad use his. It can basically control nature(with a moveset containing Earthquake, Blizzard, and Wood Hammer, it shouldn't be surprising), though it's tiring to use constantly.

10) I'm really starting to regret my choice to do EVERY mission, but now that I've laid out my plan I realize it's really the only way to get the end goal I want. Yippee.

Hope you enjoyed these little nuggets of info! None of this is too spoiler-y, so I should be covered on that end. See you all in the next post!
Just got back from Florida, and I'm in a write-y mood, but I really can't get any inspiration to finish the first Intermission, so I'm kind of stuck on that end. So, I'm just writing trivia facts down. Have fun.
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SpotBlur's avatar
This is a pretty interesting read. Horace's dad sounds really cool. He has a ton of power (seriously, it must be scary fighting someone with that many powerful moves), but also the big weakness of only having one move if his whistle is stolen or Magic Room is active.