
Tabiran Olympics are Over

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Zassa2's avatar

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Unfortunately, I can't keep going with the Tabrian Olympics. I wanted to hold out because it was fun to do, and I was hosting it, so I felt I might be cheating others who were still enjoying themselves. But we've had two withdrawals now, as well as plenty of people simply forgetting or not doing it, and I myself have been really forcing myself to keep going, so I'm going to end it here. It was fun while it lasted, but it really wasn't something I should have been hosting. Not during such a turbulent time. Maybe some time in the future, next year or later or maybe never, I don't know.

Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to the other events, if anyone wants me to put out an official medal tracker I'll get around to that sometime.
Sorry guys, but at this point I think most of us were getting tired of competing.
© 2017 - 2024 Zassa2
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Slycloudfox's avatar
Thank you for hosting the Olympic events.
It sure was fun while it last.
I enjoy it very much. ^^
Sorry about how it have to end like that though.